Thursday, January 31, 2013

Unit 8:Requests

     In the morning,I learned about Requests. Teacher assigned homework in the classroom by wrote note to classmate about requests.There are 5 situations by we practiced write requests situations.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Unit 4:Telephone Messages 2

     Today,I learned about telephone messages again.Teacher gave telephone messages conversation for practice write confuse as same as last week.I has to happy and fun.Thank you teacher review lesson again.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Unit 4:Telephone Messages

    Today,I had a Writing for Communication.I learned about telephone massages.I confused with telephone messages conversation.But I gave my friends describe telephone messages conversation again and I understood more lesson.Thank you my friends.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Unit 11:Small Advertisements

Today, I learned about Small Advertisements.
Advertisements used short phrases and abbreviations; unnecessary words. Because will understand about advertisements. Teacher created advertisements which we are interested. I happy and fun with learning. But I had problem about remember the word.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unit 10:Completing Forms

  Today,I had a Writing for Communication.I learned about Completing Forms such as departure and arrival forms.Teacher talked about her experience in went overseas.She assigned work about website to learn English in overseas.I has to happy and fun.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Unit 9:Invitations

    Today,I had a Writing for Communication.I learned about invitation cards. Teacher taught about invitations cards details such as the name or hosts of the events,when,activities,venue etc. She assigned work  invitations cards.I did about Thai fruits festival card.I has to happy and fun.