Monday, December 16, 2013


This morning,I had A Discourse Approach in Reading.
I learned about Procedure.First,The teacher ordered us to describe about favorite food.I choose to describe Papaya Salad.I talked with my partner.After that she described about Procedure meaning.After that she gave us to try the exercise.For example,how to the omelette,how to chicken soup,and learning a second language.I like the exercise which it made me easy understand.Because she did the exercise to clear and easy to understand.She had assignment us about how to cook and sent after New Year's New.Today,I felt happy and fun.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


This morning,The teacher made up class again.I had A Discourse Approach in Reading about description.She explained the meaning of descriptive that descriptive is a text which says what a person ,a thing or place is like.Before started to study she gave warm up activity by giving them answer the questions about my favorite pet.I described my favorite pet was dog.I think that the activity had fun.She had assignment text one to read and did a diagram.Which text one described about Komodo dragon.After that she did exercise two and three.Which it described Budapest and Prague.I felt fun and happy with doing it.My problem was I don't know some vocabulary in the story but I was pay attention.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Secret

This morning,I had A discourse Approach in Reading.I learn the secret story again because we didn't understand with the story.So the teacher taught then again and she gave to summarize part one and part two.I read the secret second time and I hardly understand in the part two which the teacher gave to share with the partner.It made me more understand.My problem was some word be difficult and confused a little bit about this story.

Part one
Kylie felt lonely because her parent were break up.Although her mother will have new husband which her and left out from her mother and Phillip's activities.Until one day she found an egg and she became interested in the chicken.Somehow her secret helps to feel less lonely.After that she found the well and she was forbidden to lift the lid from Phillip which it was dangerous and deep.Some afternoon she saw picture in album because she missed her father.

Part two
Kylie watched the hen sitting on ten eggs and takes the lid off the well.And then she starts to go down the well with her photo album every day and watches Phillip and her mother and wonders why her father is not with them.After that Philip discovers her in the well and hits her.Furthermore,Kylie throws the chicks down the well,hits the hen,and throws it down the well.The finally,she choose one special photo which makes her feel good and cuts off her head from the special photo and throws it away.

My opinion
I admire for Kylie because she was loneliness and powerful.
I disapprove for Kylie's mother because she was neglect and didn't take care a daughter.In addition she love her husband more than Kylie.
I dislike for Philip because he was step father then didn't reasonable hit Kylie because she dislike him.

the egg compared Kylie because the egg be born to have only the hen and take care.

the well compared old life and her problem because if she has problem,missed her father,and felt lonely she will come down the well.

the photo compared her father Even though,there is no image of a father Nevertheless he had been the photographer.

Kylie's cutting of the photo compared to start new life.

This story it made me felt than the parent important with the son because the son want to take care and love from parent.But in story nobody gave to take care and love with her.her mother neglect and didn't believe that she had told.In addition,she felt loneliness because her mother love her husband more than her.If was me would have been crying and hurt.Further more,if coping with the absence of a parent;If i was Kylie.I think me will find out to do something because it made me felt that I didn't feel nervous and  I was happy.Although I didn't have the parent.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


In the  morning,The teacher made up class again with us.I had A Discourse Approach in Reading.She taught about Narratives and had the exercise.She explained the meaning of narrative.She had the Secrets story to try it.Before will learn the secrets story she gave to try habit of myself by put a cross on line in the circle.Which don't be a figure shape. after that her gave us share idea with friend.I was happy and fun with speaking English even though I said wrong but me attempt to do it.My problem was some word I didn't know then I didn't understand it.