Monday, November 25, 2013

Recount 2

This morning,I had A Discourse Approach in Reading today I learn about Recount again.I did 3 exercise which I felt happy and fun with learning today.The teacher taught about found out Pronoun Reference and conjunction.After that She assignment about writing Personal Recount.She gave us to sent on Sunday and opened work about Discourse Markers of each the Group.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


 In the morning,The teacher made up class with,she taught about Recount which before she will teach her answer homework to give us.Recount had 3 type for example Personal Recount,Factual Recount and Imaginarative Recount.I felt happy and fun with learning today even thought the place is inhospitable.I understood with the lesson because the teacher explained clearly.She had exercise to me tried on for test understand.The exercises were Our trip to the blue Mountain and My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja which the finally story about Funeral in Toraja that had step before and after in funeral.My problem is some hard vocabulary.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Introduce to Discourse Markers

On Monday 18th November,Today was the first day the classes began of 2 term.This morning learn to A Discourse Approach in Reading with Dr.Usa Noytim and the second time I learn with hers.I felt happy and nice because I be accustomed to learn with hers.Today,She introduced A Discourse Approach in Reading Subject that what to learn in 2 term and began to learn about Discourse Marker.She had example for the student more understand.For example,because,furthermore,for instance and the other.She has exercise all 3 for the student did it.the first sheet about genres of text by Match the following words in the box.After finished the first sheet.The teacher gave the second sheet about fill word by She did 2 example.The third sheet about A list of discourse markers and The finally sheet,She gave to did homework.She assignment work about Discourse Marker by did group.The group had 7 person which The Group got 2 the story.The vocabulary problem was some words difficult.