Monday, January 6, 2014

Comparison and Contrast

Today has the examination.It has 40 items.The teacher gave  me for an hour.The first time,she distributed the test to give me.I opened the test and read quickly.After that,she gave us to do the test.I did it carefully.I didn't confident that I will do it correct.Some word I didn't know the meaning but I tried to use context clue in the test.I do almost it didn't finish.Fortunately,she increase time to us.I felt glad because I will do it finish.Furthermore,we took an examination to finish she gave us to relax for 10 minute.Furthermore,she taught about Comparison and Contrast and she had an example.Which it easy to understand.She give us to do the exercise and she has homework.Today had the presentation work of my friend.which them presented about how to make food.They made me feel fun and was I felt very happy and fun.

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